
Showing posts from April, 2010

Laptop as Guitar Interface Part -3

Setting up the Amplitube: Usually u can select the prebuilt presets.... some worked well for me .. some were noisy .I will guide u 1 clean and 1 distortion preset that worked for me well .A good cable is very(!) this laptop mic interface is very sensitive else u will get lott of buzz , hummmmmmmmmmmmm.. In both preset the EQ cuts the excess bass that hinder the sound, u may have to fiddle a little with ur guitar .. Remember : always keep the Guitar volme 30% lower than max .. else some sensitive pickups may damage the laptop card. If u wanna real good interace takea professionnal card like the MAudio guitar interface ... comes abt 4k INR. My-Clean: amp:American tube vintage cab : default rack: default Stomp: select EQ1 and EQ3 (third position) i keep echoman for some songs My-distortion: amp:modern tube lead cab : default rack: default Stomp: select EQ1 ,overdrive and EQ3 (third position)

Laptop as Guitar Interface Part -2

Software setup : Start amplitube , go settings>Audiosetup>select Asio...leave all others default. Now setup asio driver: ASIO4ALL v2 Instruction Manual it is a big document ... practically u just need to select 128frames setting in ASIO panel,( double click on the green icon. )

Laptop as Guitar Interface Part -1

Despite of the fact that web -o-pedia is all about embedded devices , inter faces This time it wil differ slightly from all those tech stuff... seriously ! it is all about making music , and the electric Guitar . the one remarkable instrument that went unreplacable no matter what synth devices the modern technology has given us .. Ok coming to the point , today we will setup the LAPTOP(u can use pc,if u must ) to be a effect processor , padal boards... with unlimited number of presets , as well custom ones. U need 1> Amplitube ... get a patched version via torrent 2> Asio4all driver.. needed as normal windows driver cant catch guitar signal fast >cable and amp setup first install the Asio4all 3.5mm to guitar jack cable u need plug the lappy as shown below

what are static variables and globals

In c programming static variable is a special type of variable can retain its value between invocations .It has two types : 1. Static to function or control block 2. Static to the file If it is static to function it will retain the value when the function is called again and again . Eg Void foo() { Static int a; a++; printf(“%d\n”,a); } In consecutive calls it will have values 1 , 2 ….. But cant be accessed outside of the function. In the static to the file scenario the variable is commonly declared at the top like the globals . it is accessible to all functions but it will retain the value. Difference between the globals , when static is in a header file it will have 1 copy per file that include the header. Eg: -----------------test.h----------------- static int var; ----------------- mainfile.c ---------------------- #include #include ”test.h” Int main (){ printf("var in %s: %d\n ", __FILE__, ++var); in_file2(); } ----------...

Constant volatile variable

Can you have constant volatile variable? You can have a const volatile variable. Its syntactically correct and often used while expecting a value change from the hardware. Example: The status registers (read only) if micro controllers are often declared as const volatile statRegxxxx; The program (software) shouldn't change the value of statRegxxxx, only the hardware can

volatile variables ? example

In embedded we deal with special features in c language that are provided to make building systems convenient. One such feature is volatile variable : A variable should be declared volatile whenever its value could change unexpectedly viz by external influences like the variable representing memory mapped peripheral register. Example: static int var; void test(void) { var = 0; while (var != 255) continue; } The above code sets the value in var to 0. It then starts to poll that value in a loop until the value of var becomes 255. An optimizing compiler will notice that no other code can possibly change the value stored in 'var', and therefore assume that it will remain equal to 0 at all times. The compiler will then replace the function body with an infinite loop, similar to this: void test_opt(void) { var = 0; while (TRUE) continue; } solution is : volatile int var;