I am asking free samples from a company , for atleast the power section some one named Srikanth G. from their local office ,locking the samples and asking business details again and again . Samples save good $$$. If not i have 10 other alternatives. Letz see what comes out . Board is in progress , 90% of components supply i sorted out. The At01 series has inbuilt loader that will init the chip and peripherials. Now i need to learn the 1st time flashing of the Uboot loader. SD RAM I got : see it on the board before soldering Update: sample will be most probably be released , as i convinced them . Local center guy i forced putting mail to HO. hahaha :). One problem is there: The SDRAM pads are too small ,go under the chip legs.manual soldering will be tricky. UPDATE: IC Pack and samples have arrived , flash,eeprom,power sections things came . from usa, mainchip and ethernet chip has to come from Taiwan and Hong Kong. Look at the Flash IC box , well packed in antistatic box ...