
Showing posts from January, 2010

ARM9 Board Taking shape -2:Active parts

See the power IC how small it is , I will have to make a HOT AIR PENCIL. There are 20+ web sites detailing it but I will use my way to do that.. Done the shopping by now. I will create a post on the same soon.

LED desktop thingy!

I bought a china made LED torch cum table lamp. Costed very less. Charges well gives 8Hour backup minimum(did not check when it goes off) from a 6hour charge What is special here is it is a torch with a flip 6ultrabright LED panel.The panel tilts at 15degrees , so you can point the LED sets all directions... that is too much the price of 1 cup coffee in some places .Panel can be hidden when used as torch. But there is a problem! The table light /torch loses the intensity after 3hours to 60%. There must be a way to keep intensity same. I needed a constant current source at least 0.5A. I searched on net and got (LED driver) : image: And I know about joule thief circuit ->simple 1 or 2 transistor circuit increases the voltage. Here is joule thief: (i assume battery is 6v ) Plan is : battery(6v)>joule thief(9v)>LED driver>LEDs smooth white light till battery loses the charge (if backup become 6Hrs , fine na!)

Arm9 board free samples locked up

I am asking free samples from a company , for atleast the power section some one named Srikanth G. from their local office ,locking the samples and asking business details again and again . Samples save good $$$. If not i have 10 other alternatives. Letz see what comes out . Board is in progress , 90% of components supply i sorted out. The At01 series has inbuilt loader that will init the chip and peripherials. Now i need to learn the 1st time flashing of the Uboot loader. SD RAM I got : see it on the board before soldering Update: sample will be most probably be released , as i convinced them . Local center guy i forced putting mail to HO. hahaha :). One problem is there: The SDRAM pads are too small ,go under the chip legs.manual soldering will be tricky. UPDATE: IC Pack and samples have arrived , flash,eeprom,power sections things came . from usa, mainchip and ethernet chip has to come from Taiwan and Hong Kong. Look at the Flash IC box , well packed in antistatic box ...


This is phase 1: I am at my office where i work as consultant ..whoa !today passive components have arrived.Means the resistor and capacitors 0402size. The size presented a hurdle, 0603 components are pretty easy to get . But finally i got hold of the components. more are there in my tray shelf . I got passive s for 10 boards for trial build we will take chips 1 pc each . Let the prototype be ready as well toolset .. then may go bulk. phases of build : Phase 1: Passives arrives + jacks etc {done} Phase 2: Active cmp arrives mainly At91rm9200 Phase 3: Solder and test

ARM9Board ...taking shape 1

The ARM9 board taking shape , at office I got a delivery of 20 PCBS recently... well built FR4 laminate .Green masking applied on both sides , Silver coated pads and vias . Thanks to my contacts in product industry .. However the sourcing of the chips is still critical .I am working on it So far i have been in touch with many middleman Letz wait and see...

My ARM9 Development board for indian developers

The Low Cost ARM9 board is here . I always wanted to bring a low cost solution for indian developers . A highly capable ARM9 board that can run embedded realtime linux . with ample amount of memory and provision for future expansion. Now! Why to pay 40 k for an ARM lab setup with JTAG and all design is just The design criteria is fulfilled with AT91RM series ARM9 chip based design . Added 256MB sdRAM,64MB flash,24LC512 eeprom, can, JTAG , USB serial interface( for laptops this is handy as there is no serial port ), CAN bus transiever, controller . It has a USB host too! there are more interfaces can be added . There are many online ported versions of linux for the chips as well as develeoper forums /Groups . Designed during off time and now almost ready : See the snaps of it : After working 4 years in embedded product domain , i felt the need of hardware test setup for learning board level porting, device drivers BSP development. As well as a board that is suitable for my...